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The working principle of the thread rolling machine, how does it working?
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The working principle of the thread rolling machine, how does it working?

Views: 25     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-08-19      Origin: Site

Thread rolling is a cold-forming metalworking process. Thread rolling machines are used on cylindrical workpieces (such as threaded rods, anchor bolts, hollow grouted anchor plates, wall screws, U-bolts, standard and special bolts) , studs and fasteners) to create external threads. Compared with traditional methods such as cutting or grinding threads, threads rolled by thread rolling machines have the advantages of superior mechanical properties (efficient and precise), high strength, high thread surface finish and high productivity.

Threaded rod Anchor bolt

The working principle of the thread rolling machine is as follows:

1. Workpiece preparation:

The process starts with a cylindrical workpiece made of materials such as steel, aluminum or other metals. The diameter of the workpiece is slightly larger than the desired finished thread diameter.

2. Feed the workpiece:

The workpiece is fed between the two dies of the thread rolling machine. One of the dies is fixed while the other is movable and applies force to the workpiece.

3. Pressure and rolling:

High pressure is applied to the workpiece while the movable die is rotating. This pressure causes the material to deform plastically and take on the shape of the threaded die. The fixed die has a thread profile and the workpiece is shaped to match this profile.


4. Radial displacement:

When pressure is applied by the die, the material is displaced radially, creating threads. The pitch, depth and profile of the thread are determined by the shape and size of the die.

5. No material removal:

Unlike cutting or grinding processes, thread rolling does not remove any material from the workpiece. Instead, it displaces and reshapes the material to form the thread, increasing efficiency and producing a stronger thread.

6. Thread geometry control:

The thread rolling process precisely controls the size and geometry of threads, ensuring high precision and consistency.

7. Multi-pass thread processing:

For some applications, threads may require multiple rollings to achieve the desired depth and strength. The workpiece is gradually rotated and passed through the die until the threads are fully formed.

8. Finishing and inspection:

After thread rolling, the finished workpiece may undergo further finishing processes such as cleaning, heat treatment or surface coating. Additionally, the threads are inspected to ensure they meet the required specifications.

Thread rolling offers several advantages over traditional cutting methods, including increased thread strength, better surface finish, increased production speed, and reduced material waste. However, it requires specialized machinery and tooling, making it more suitable for high-volume production.

Advantages of thread rolling:

1. Improve thread strength:

The cold working of the material during thread rolling improves the mechanical properties of the thread for better fatigue resistance and strength.

2. High productivity:

Thread rolling is a fast and automated process, making it suitable for high-volume production.

3. Save material:

Unlike cutting processes such as threading, thread rolling displaces rather than removes material, minimizing material waste.

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Advantages of thread rolling machine:

1. Excellent strength and durability:

Thread rolling machines produce threads of greater strength and durability than other thread forming methods. The rolling process displaces rather than removes material, resulting in improved fatigue resistance and a more reliable thread form.

2. Cost-effectiveness:

Thread rolling offers significant cost advantages over other methods such as thread cutting or grinding. The rolling process is faster, requires less energy, and produces minimal waste. Therefore, it can reduce production costs and improve overall efficiency.

3. Improved surface finish:

Thread rolling produces smoother, more precise threads for superior surface finish. This is especially important in applications where the threads must fit tightly or where aesthetics are important.

4. Extend tool life:

Unlike cutting or grinding methods, which subject the tool to severe wear, thread rolling places less stress on the tool. As a result, thread rolling tools last longer, reducing tool replacement costs and downtime.

5. Consistent thread quality:

Thread rolling machines provide highly consistent thread quality throughout the production process. The mechanical nature of the rolling process reduces the possibility of human error, resulting in uniform and high-quality threads every cycle.

How to order a suitable thread rolling machine?

Thread rolling machines are widely used in industries such as automotive, construction, aerospace and manufacturing where robust and precise threading is critical for optimum performance and safety. Rather, the key to efficient and precise thread production is the selection of a suitable thread rolling machine. 

If you are looking for such thread rolling machine, please feel free to contact us.

Email: ygmtools94@gmail.com

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